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Our Team.

The Spire principals have worked together for over 15 years and have a proven track record of high quality work and customer satisfaction.  Spire was founded on the ideals of providing quality engineering services and has built a team dedicated to this ideal. 


Craig has 15+ years of experience in structural integrity management focused primarily on the development and execution of structural and marine inspection programs for fixed and floating offshore facilities. His experience includes the development of risk-based inspection programs for various fixed platforms, FPSOs, TLPs, Semis, Spars and CALMs in regions including the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa and Australia.  He also oversees the execution of these programs, assisting operators with management, planning and offshore engineering and inspection oversight.  He has been project lead on several floating facility RBI development and life extension assessment and implementation projects.  This experience is complimented by providing oversight for offshore structural inspections.

Yashar has 15+ years of experience as a structural engineer and engineering manager. His experience includes advanced structural analysis and design of offshore and onshore structures including fixed platforms, gravity-based structures, jack-ups, process structures and buildings under extreme loading conditions (e.g., seismic, storm, explosion, etc.). He has experience with the design and implementation of structural health monitoring systems as part of life extension projects for steel and reinforced concrete structures. He also has authored several publications on structural assessment and life extension studies related to prominent offshore structures.


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Robert has 25+ years of structural design, analysis and integrity management experience on offshore fixed and floating facilities.  His work experience includes the management and execution of structural design, assessment and inspection planning projects for all types of offshore structures including fixed platforms, jack-ups and various types of floating structures (e.g., FPSOs, TLPs, Semis, Spars and CALMs).  In addition to his project experience, he has been involved in the development of numerous technical guides for the offshore energy industry and authored technical papers on structural integrity management and assessment of offshore structures.  

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